
Dan Whitney's HomePage


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Alaska Fishlake

See other pictures of Fish Lake taken in in 2000 and in 1995

Brief BioSketch

I was a member of the anthropology faculty at San Diego State University from 1966 to 2000. During that time I held
a number of elected and appointed positions including Department Chair, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, and Director of the Center for
Asian Studies. I was honored to serve as Secretary of the SDSU Senate for three years (1995-98), and represent the San Diego faculty in the 23-campus California State University, System-wide Academic Senate for six years (1994-2000).

Born in Michigan more than six decades ago, I took my B.A. in Journalism, a Masters degree in Sociology, and a PhD. in Anthropology from
Michigan State University. As an anthropologist, my teaching and research focused on Japanese society and the cross-cultural study of
legal systems. This interest in law prompted me to return to the classroom as a part-time night school student, and I received a law degree
in 1976 (valedictorian). I maintained a private practice in San Diego for 8 years, specializing in environmental law and historic/cultural preservation.

I am most proud of an introductory textbook co-authored with Pat Dubbs (U. of Alaska), Cultural Contexts: Making Anthropology
Personal. I served as Editor of the Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association and spent nearly three years in
Washington, DC working as Director of Programs for the Association. I have travelled extensively throughout Japan on numerous
visits, three times living in the country for extended periods. In the mid-50s I spent 15 months as a Russian language specialist with the U.S. Air
Force Security Service in Hokkaido (Japan's northern-most prefecture) and more recently I spent a year in Okinawa (Japan's southern-most prefecture) as a
Fulbright Professor teaching Anthropology and American Studies at two Japanese Universities.

Recent Activities and Interests:

Teaching American Studies to Japanese University students kindled an interest in the history and culture of the American Southwest.
After two summers of exploring the Southwest, I and my Anthropologist-wife, the former Phyllis Easland, PhD (UC-Santa Barbara), settled on
Central Utah as a research area. We spent 15 years (1989-2004) gathering information about Fishlake National Forest [Fishlake pictures June 2000] and
[Fishlake pictures June 1995] [NOTE: Pictures take about one minunte to download on a 33.3 modem] and the surrounding area toward the end of writing
the cultural and administrative history of that national forest. "Unfortunately", we became involved with the Loa Ranger District as Information Specialists,
spending weekends throughout the summer at the Discovery Desk in the Fish Lake Lodge answering questions from visitors about where to fish, hike,
and pursue other activities. I also volunteered to assist the Recreation Ranger with an inventory of all trails on the Loa Ranger District, taking GPS readings,
making maps, and generally helping him and the Range Con with projects. The past two years I have "worked" as a volunteer for the fisheries biologist
on the Fishlake. The various Fishlake projects gave me a good excuse to get in three of my favorite free-time activities:fly fishing, hiking, and GPS/GIS.
My other passions, golf and Sumo, must be squeezed in while back home in beautiful San Diego.

In retirement, Phyllis and I have fallen in love with Baja Sur, especially La Paz and the East Cape area. Watch this site for links to the wonderful
Baja California peninsula. We have visited New Zealand twice and really enjoy the month-long trips driving around that wonderful country.
It's enjoy having two falls each year since we also spend September and October at Lake Kimball in Wisconsin on land that has been in Phyllis' family
for more than 80 years. Our 2007 trip to Buenos Aires, Patagonia (Chile and Argentina), and Tierra del Fuego was wonderful. Sailing the Strait of Magellan
and Beagle Channel, and setting foot on Cape Horn, especially after a week on Stewart Island the year before (southern-most spots in two hemispheres)
was incomparable. Of course, Cape Horn was made all the better by excellent weather and good companions.

Cape Horn New Zealand

Machu Pichu Baja Carlos-Parrotfish

Kimball Lake

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My Latest Discovery #1 Japan
Latest Discovery #2

My Latest Discovery: Okinawa

My Latest Discovery: Anthropology


  • Anthropology (UCSB) Cool Web Site-Check it Out
  • SDSU Library
  • Library of Congress Home Page
  • CIA World Fact Book
  • CIA World Fact Book Archives
  • Japan Center for Intercultural Communications
  • Tokyo: The City
  • Forestry: University of Tokyo
  • Jobs in Japan
  • Random Internet Sources for Japan (not all may still be active)
  • Art Images from The Louvre
  • Vatican Main Exhibit Hall
  • NOAA Home Page
  • Kris Stewart's Favorites: very good


  • Cool Site of The Day
  • Yahoo (Index of everything)
  • My favorite WWW search engines: Google, Metacrawler, and SDSU Search.


    Anthropology Dept. (619)594-5527 <anthro@mail.sdsu.edu >

    [Return to SDSU HomePage]

    Thanks for stopping by, you are vistitor # since November 10, 1995.

    I take this opportunity to personally thank for developing the MacIntosh Computer.